Share your food stories! Enter the WUPFSC Spring 2023 Photo Contest!

The Western UP Food Systems Collaborative invites you to join us in sharing our food stories! We are hosting a photo contest to celebrate our communities’ rich foodways. You are invited to submit one or more photos you love for their look, message, or personal meaning to at least one of the following categories: 

1.    Living off the Land 

    1. Examples: Hunting, Gathering, Foraging, Food Landscapes, Health, Well-being

2.    Make It, Bake It, Preserve It

    1. Examples: Canning/Preserves, Value Added Goods, Food Dishes, Gifting Practices, Storing Produce for Winter

3.    Food as Community

    1. Examples: Sharing a dish with family, Trading, Buying from local vendors, Seed swapping, Community gardening, Sharing meals

4.    Growing Practices & Food Prep

    1. Examples: Compost, Crop covers, Hoop houses, Gardening, Preparations for season changes, Preparing for storing food, Preparing meals

5.    Youth (Participants who are 17 or younger)

Photos accompanied by a title and short description can be submitted by using this form. Participants are limited to 5 submissions per person. Submissions are due on February 27 at 11:59 pm EST and winners will be announced shortly thereafter. 

 We hope that this contest inspires you to share stories about our community. Sharing your stories with the public is one way to generate knowledge about our community and this knowledge has the power to inspire social change. Please invite others to contribute to or hear our stories – feel free to forward the attached flyer to others. 

 Past and present contest submissions are accessible to the public on Flickr @WUPFoodPics (no account needed.) Your photos and stories may also be published on the WUPFSC website, the WUPFSC annual report, or in other WUPFSC publications. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns. 

We look forward to hearing your stories! 

 Isabelle Cervantes and Maya Klanderman

Partners of the WUPFSC and Students at Michigan Technological University